STANDARD Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp
The STANDARD Himalayan Salt Lamps which come in various weights, from 2-4kg, this lamp is one of the most popular sizes we sell. The difference in the weight is due to the natural processes the lamp is derived from.
The STANDARD 2-4kg Himalayan Salt Lamp is ideal for those who need a bedside lamp, which is compact, beautiful and lights up the room with a soft soothing glow.
Most customers enjoy keeping this lamp next to their bed, especially at night as it helps them sleep. Woodside Foods Himalayan Pink Salt Lamps last a lifetime and come with a 100% Mould-free Guarantee.
This lamp was designed by master craftsmen to resemble a beautiful reminder of the organic process of where Himalayan Salt first began.
Made from the finest quality of raw material sourced from the Himalayan Salt Mines within the Punjab region of Pakistan.
Woodside Foods Himalayan Salt Lamps are 100% Natural and come with many health benefits. Many customers have claimed our Lamps have helped with:
- Naturally Purifying the Air
- Easing their Symptoms Asthma
- Improving their Blood Circulation
- Improving their Mood
- Combats Seasonal Affective Disorder
Included: Cable and E14 Bulb
Dimensions included as approximate estimates because sizes of lamps vary vary due to the natural processes they are derived from.
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