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In case you’re hoping to improve the nature of the air in your home and want to accomplish a sentiment of unwinding, and keeping up great well-being – Himalayan salt lights are the ideal thing for you. You might have seen them being used as a decorative item, but you now know their countless benefits and the positive impact they can have on your mood.

Himalayan salt lights are exactly what you could do within your home to detoxify the indoor air pollution, which in fact is 3 times more dangerous than the pollution outside as the closed spaces can make these polluting agents much denser and concentrated which leads to variety of diseases and cause allergies, respiratory problems. Himalayan salt lamps are the cheapest and effective choice to solve this issue. These natural lamps are best known for their properties to deodorize and purify the air.

The Himalayan salts can also play a vital role in keeping your stress at bay, keeping you active and healthy. They are also excellent in creating an aura of serenity and meditation. Many spas and practitioners and healers at their workplaces and clinics, as these lamps have amazing healing properties.


Himalayan salt lamps are made up of pure pink Himalayan salt blocks mined directly from Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. The Khewra salt mine is the largest source of pure, food-grade Himalayan pink salt; the big chunks are then cleaned and exported all over the world.

The Himalayan salt is the perfect ionizer, so is also called the Vitamins of the Air. These lamps are available in variety of designs and sizes, crafted into unique masterpieces that look stunning everywhere, whether it be your bedroom, living room, bathroom or your office.

A bulb is fit inside the chunk of natural salt, or large crystals of salts are placed in a basket with a small light fixed inside. These lamps go with all the interior designs and compliment every color combination, all the while providing you with clean purified air.


In these modern times, the salt lamps are a necessity rather than a need, and let us tell you why. As we mentioned before the indoor pollution is much more harmful and has adverse effect on health. Our electronic devices including Television sets, computers, microwaves,mobile phones, and refrigerators exacerbate positive ions in the atmosphere that are dangerous and can cause you stress, trouble breathing and sleeplessness.

Himalayan salt lamps are the solution for all your problems; they emit negative ions that neutralize the positive ions in the air and prevents them causing you harm. Himalayan Pink Salt lamps are natural negative ion generators. It is essential that there are both positive and negative ions present in the atmosphere.

Ever wonder why you feel so happy and refreshed after rain or at the beach? It is because the negative ions are created by natural phenomenons such as sunlight, lightning, waterfalls, and ocean waves. These lamps also work on the same principle and bond together with the positive ions to create the same aura. They are also pure sources of light, and its hypnotic iridescent glow can cause a very soothing effect.


Here are a few reasons you should purchase these salt lamps as soon as possible.

  • Salt lamps are widely used as decorative objects due to their unique structure and artistic appeal. They look absolutely beautiful and elegant in any room.
  • They help in purifying and freshening the air by evacuating the dust, impurities, and other harmful contaminants.
  • Salt lights balance fake frequencies and unnatural electromagnetic wavelengths emitted by electronic machines, e.g., .radio, TV, microwave, mobiles, etc.
  • Salt lights are also useful in improving your physical and mental health; they can help in curing respiratory issues like allergies and asthma.
  • They better your mood, bring peace, fix, cure headaches, and also increase your productivity.
  • Because of their calming qualities and soothing pinkish-orange glow, these lamps are often used for color therapy to treat neurotic disorders. You can also use these lamps in spas and for meditation.


Himalayan salt lights are effortless to care for when looked after these lamps can last a lifetime.  The greatest issue that you may face is that they draw moisture and can get damp.  It is crucial that you do not put them in a wet region or outdoors. If you feel that your lamp is getting moisture on it you can easily wipe it away with a soft fabric and leave it on for a couple of hours for it to get fully dry.

If you are not using the lamp a lot, then make sure to cover it with paper or cloth, so the dust doesn’t buildup on it, but avoid covering it using plastic as it doesn’t allow the air to pass through it and can lock the moisture in which can ruin the salt block.

If you not required to clean the lamp if you are using it regularly as when it is turned on, it emits negative ions that repel dust. You can just lightly dust it lightly to get rid of the moisture on it, or for proper cleaning, you can do a full wipe down with a dampened lint-free towel. After you have cleaned it make sure to leave the lamp on for a few hours so it can get completely dry.

If you have the salt lamp in the shape of a bowl or a basket with little chunks of salt, regularly turn the pieces to check for dampness and any dust buildup. If the salt lamp gets moist, the salt will start to crystallize, so if that happens move your lamp to a dryer place, place it in the sunlight to get dry, and use it more regularly.

Hope this article has been informative to you. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

You can also browse through our website to purchase unique and most fascinating pure Himalayan Pink salt lamps that will transform your home into an oasis.

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Himalayan hand carved Fire Bowl lamp+Massage balls

Himalayan hand carved Fire Bowl lamp & Salt Massage balls is an new healing technique using warm salt crystal stones to ground and  stabilize the body’s electromagnetic field, central nervous system and meridians. Salt crystals from an former primal sea beneath the Himalayan Mountains are hand-carved into massage stones that gently comfort, away an accumulation of stress, tension and pollutants. Observe the energy of the 250 million year old mineral salt as you like a gentle massage with these crystal salt stones. Stones may vary in shape and they come together with a warmer as a set.
The Himalayan Salt Massage balls have varied shapes to contour to therapist’s hands and to the contour of the client’s body being worked. Most balls are  draw to fit in the hand a gentle massage with these crystal salt stones. Stones may vary in shape and they come together with a warmer as a set.

To start, therapists should work with the Himalayan Salt Massage balls to choose which sides/angles fit the contours of the client’s body. Stone balls will get smoother and smoother with each use. Stone balls may need a bit of buffing with included sandpaper and a coat of oil before first use. Stone balls will smooth very quickly after a couple of uses with good massage oil.

Here are some  advantage of Fire Bowl lamp Warmers

  • Saves time – easy to use
    • Low energy use allows warmer to be left on all day for ease in offering treatment upgrades or additions.
    • Warmer maintains heat all day and requires no set-up or prep time between treatments.
  • Creates an optimal treatment room environment
    • Shielded metal housing blocks electromagnetic pollution (EMF) protects therapists and guest from its negative effects.
    • Heated Himalayan salt stones release negative ions, provide a myriad of health benefits – from higher mental alertness to protection against germs in the air.

Some information to keep in mind when using Bowl lamp Warmers

  • How long can warmers be left on?
    • Warmers can stay on all day in treatment rooms, even when not in use for massage. They make beautiful ambient lighting and a continuous release of negative ions.
    • It is best to set warmer to automatically turn on at the start of the day and lit all day long. Use the coverlet to help hold heat and season stones for maximum heat retention.
    • It may be  compulsory  for therapist to flip stones between clients. This will allow for even distribution of heat to top stones. Be sure to put the insulated coverlet on between services to incubate the heat and allow for a more even temperature to all stones.
  • How long can I expect the massage stones to last?
    • The stones balls can last a very long time provided they are kept from water and cleaned and dried properly. No water please! When the stones are  show to moisture, they will reduce down or get rough depending on how much moisture or water. When they get rough, sand them with sandpaper to smooth. If using them with water for a salt scrub or lymphatic drainage, they will need to be replaced from time to time.
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Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Salt Lamps Cleanse & Deodorize the Air

Probably the most well-known benefit – and why the majority of people use them – is due to their incredible power to remove dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, and other contaminants from the air. “But how do they do this,” you ask? “It’s just a big chunk of salt with a light bulb inside, right?” Well yes, but no. There’s much more to it than that. Himalayan salt lamps purify air through the power of hygroscopy, meaning that they attract water molecules from the surrounding environment then absorb those molecules – as well as any foreign particles they may be carrying – into the salt crystal. As the HPS lamp warms up from the heat produced by the light bulb inside, that same water then evaporates back into the air and the trapped particles of dust, pollen, smoke, etc remain locked in the salt.

Reduce Allergy & Asthma Symptoms

Because Himalayan salt lamps remove microscopic particles of dust, pet dander, mold, mildew and the like from the surrounding air, placing a lamp or two in the rooms where you spend the most time can seriously cut back on allergy symptoms. Even people who suffer from asthma should notice a big difference after a week or two. (In fact, Himalayan pink salt is so good for your airways, there are even HPS Inhalers!)

Eases Coughing

When the Himalayan salt lamp heats up and begins its hygroscopic cycling of airborne particles, it also changes the charge of the molecules which are released. (Remember our chemistry lesson?) The majority of homes are filled with positively charged ions which aren’t particularly good for a person’s health. The positive ions are created by a number of things, but the primary source for most of us is from our electronics.

One of the health detriments of breathing lots of positive ions in the air is that the cilia (microscopic hairs) which line the trachea (aka: windpipe) become sluggish and don’t work as well to keep contaminants out of our lungs. As a Himalayan pink salt lamp absorbs water and particles from the air, it also takes positive ions with them. Then, when the heated salt releases cleansed water vapor back into the air, it also expels negative ions which have the opposite effect on our airways – increasing cilial activity to keep your lungs clear.

What all this means in a nut shell: Besides removing contaminants from the air, Himalayan pink salt lamps also help your body to filter air more efficiently so any foreign particles you do happen to breathe won’t make it into your lungs.

Increase Energy Levels

Taking a drive through the countryside with the windows down, spending time at the beach or camping in the mountains, or simply taking a shower first thing in the morning are all things that many people find invigorating. It’s not a coincidence that these are all activities which expose us to increased concentrations of negative ions such as those generated by Himalayan salt lamps. The fact is, positive ions sap our bodies of energy. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for us to try to diagnose the problem as something else entirely.

If you constantly feel tired and don’t know why, try keeping a Himalayan salt lamp in the room or rooms where you spend the most time. After about a week, you should notice a difference.

Neutralize Electromagnetic Radiation

Nowadays, most of us are living in a metaphorical ocean of electromagnetic (EM) radiation which flows from our electronics (i.e.: television, computer, cell phone, tablet, appliances, sterio, etc). While they may be invisible, the long-term effects of EM exposure can be quite serious. Constant exposure to EM radiation is known to increase stress levels, cause chronic fatigue, and decrease the body’s immune response, among other things

As they emit negative ions into the air, Himalayan salt lamps work to neutralize electromagnetic radiation. Keep one next to the computer, television, and any other electrical devices which you use frequently to reduce the potential danger to you and your family.

Better Sleep

Another side effect which results from over-exposure to positive ions in the air is that it robs you of quality sleep. This happens because those positively-charged particles can actually reduce blood and oxygen supply to the brain resulting in irregular sleep patterns. Himalayan pink salt lamps are natural negative ion generators, thus they can help to reverse this problem. Keep one or two around your bedroom to improve the air quality so you can get a better night’s sleep.

Remember, even if you’re like me and you can’t sleep unless the room is totally dark, you can always turn the lamp off at bedtime. Just leave it on for the rest of the day so it can do its work while you’re awake. People in humid climates should be aware that HPS lamps tend to weep when the salt becomes cool. You’ll definitely want to protect surfaces by placing a saucer underneath and be sure to follow the instructions for use and care which will be included with your lamp!

Improve Mood & Concentration

Himalayan pink salt lamps are a great way to naturally enhance your mood or to help you relax and unwind at the end of the day. At the same time and on the opposite side of the coin, HPS lamps are great for improving concentration. Again, this is due to the effect of the negative ions on your body, improving blood and oxygen supply to the brain and other organs, as well as providing a boost of serotonin – the neurotransmitter which makes us (literally) feel happy.

Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder

In addition to generating negative ions which improve mood and energy levels, the soft, natural light given off by a Himalayan pink salt lamp is close enough to the warm glow of sunshine that they can even be used to relieve the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. This year when the days get shorter, fight back the lethargy by surrounding yourself with a few HPS lamps set on timers.

Reduce Static Electricity in the Air

While not a “health benefit” at first glance, static is pesky stuff. It causes stress, embarrassment, and frustration. Static zaps you when you least expect it, as you’re reaching for a door handle, kissing your husband or wife before bed, or trying to pet your dog or cat. Static can give you a bad hair day, make it impossible to clean crumbs or coffee grounds off of the kitchen counter, and even cause you to accidentally go to work with a sock stuck to the back of your shirt…

(Okay, so that last one may have been a little over-the-top.) The point is, static electricity can be a huge pain and Himalayan pink salt lamps are a natural way to neutralize the airborne ionized particles which cause it.

Environmentally-Friendly Light Source

Last, but not least: Himalayan pink salt lamps are environmentally friendly. While only an estimate, the reserves from which HPS is mined measure somewhere between 80 and 600 million tons and is projected to last for at least another 350 years at the current extraction rate. The base of an HPS lamp is generally carved from a sustainable wood such as neem. Some lamps use a low-wattage bulb which consumes very little energy while others are powered by a lit candle.

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Himalayan Salt

For over 1000 years under the Himalayan Mountains, beautiful pink rock salts have formed by the fossils left behind from the Jurassic era. This gives them their unique and pure salt properties with a variety of 84 minerals that is known to science.

Himalayan salt is known for its natural ability to attract water vapour from the air, thus the salt can trap dust and bacteria particles straight from the air. The salt acts as natural air purifiers; this allows the salt to be used to aid treatment for breathing issues, such as asthma and allergy symptoms.

These techniques have been used since the ancient times. Heating the rock salt releases negatives ions, in turn increasing the production of serotonin. Serotonin is essential for regulating moods, improving social behaviour, promoting sleep and memory. Lastly, serotonin is important for controlling appetites and digestive muscles during digestion.